•          Common Nounsare names of people (e.g. man), things (e.g. books), animals (e.g. monkey) and places (church).
  •         Proper Nounsare special names of people (e.g. George Bush), things (e.g. Financial Times), animals (e.g. King Kong) and places (e.g. Paris). A proper noun begins with a Capital Letter.
  •          Abstract Nouns – An abstract noun is the name of something that we can only think of or feel but cannot see (e.g. friendship).
  •         Collective Nouns – are names used for a number of people,
things or animals together and treated as one. For example: a group of friends, a bunch of bananas, a litter of puppies.     
  •         Countable and Uncountable Nouns – Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted (e.g. trees). Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot be counted. (e.g. smoke).
Countable and Uncountable Nouns are used with the following:

Countable Noun

Uncountable Noun

a, an, a few, several, many, a little, much, some, plenty of,
some, plenty of, a lot of, a lot of, a large amount of,
a large number of a great deal of
Nouns have four genders:
1.         Masculine Gender – The masculine gender is used for all males. Example: boy, man
2.         Feminine Gender – The feminine gender is used for all females. Example: girl, woman
3.         Common Gender – The common gender is used where the noun can be both male and female. Example: cousin, friend, person, child, student
4.         Neuter Gender – The neuter gender is used for things which have no life or sex. Example: table, chair.
Singular and Plural Nouns – A noun that shows only one person (e.g. a girl), thing (e.g. pencil), animal (e.g. tiger) or place (e.g. market) is called a singular noun).
A noun that shows more than one person (e.g. girls), thing (e.g. pencils), animal (e.g. tigers) or place (e.g. markets) is called a plural noun.
How plural nouns are formed.
By adding ‘es’ to nouns ending in –ch, –s, –sh and –x.
beach beaches peach peaches
branch branches speech speeches
ditch ditches watch watches
boss bosses glass glasses
bus buses lens lenses
chorus choruses pass passes
brush brushes fish fishes
bush bushes lash lashes
dish dishes wish wishes
box boxes hoax hoaxes
fax faxes six sixes
fox foxes tax taxes
By adding ‘es’ to nouns ending in –o.
buffalo buffaloes potato potatoes
cargo cargoes mosquito mosquitoes
echo echoes tomato tomatoes
By adding ‘s’ to nouns ending in –o.
banjo banjos patio patios
bamboo bamboos photo photos
radio radios                         video videos
By replacing ‘y’ with –ies.
baby babies lorry lorries
fly flies navy navies
hobby hobbies                      puppy puppies
By adding ‘s’ to nouns ending in –y.
boy boys key keys
day days toy toys
donkey donkeys                     turkey turkeys
By replaying ‘f’ or ‘fe’ with –ves.
calf calves loaf loaves
half halves self selves
life lives                           wife wives
By adding ‘s’ to nouns ending in –f or –fe.
chief chiefs hoof hoofs
dwarf dwarfs reef reef
gulf gulfs                           roof roofs
By changing vowels.      
foot feet louse lice
goose geese tooth teeth
mouse mice                           woman women
Some nouns have same words for plural and singular.
aircraft aircraft music music
crossroads crossroads series series
furniture furniture                    sheep sheep
Exceptional plural.
child children ox oxen
crisis crises passer-by passers-by
mouse mice                         radius radii


Nouns can be formed from nouns, verbs and adjectives. They are formed by adding certain letters to them.
Nouns Nouns
widow widowhood
friend friendship
king kingdom
Verbs Nouns
add addition
fail failure
give gift
Adjectives Nouns
clean cleanliness
sad sadness
beautiful beauty


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