Examples of Proper Nouns
Introduction to Nouns:
We shall now know about Proper Nouns.
Proper Noun:
Akbar was a great King.We have two nouns in this sentence: Akbar and King.Akbar refers to particular king, but the noun King can be applied to any other king as well as Akbar.So Akbar is a Proper Noun and King is a Common Noun.
Remember these points:
1.Proper Nouns are always written in "capital letters" at the beginning.
2. Proper Nouns are sometimes used as Common Nouns.
Example: He is the Mahatma (A great leader) of Maharastra. My sister is Hitler (very strict person) at home.
3.Mary visited her school last Friday. In the above sentence the words which are capitalized are Proper nouns.(Mary-name of a person and Friday- specific name of the day) The word "school" is a common noun, because the name of the school is not mentioned.
4.Mary visited St.Joesph's School last Friday. Observe this sentence with the above. Here the St.Joeshp's School is the Proper noun as the school name is specified.
1. "Abe, go and fetch some wood for fire." told Maria.2. The Punjab's Eleven team defeated the KolKata Night Riders.3. Manav is the Kalidasa of St.Joesph's College.4. There are Nagpur Mangoes in the basket.5. My mother is a specialist of Hyderabadi biriyani and Chinese Noodles.6. Surya was reading Shakespeare's As you like it when I went to visit him.7. The products of Nokia, Samsung, Motorola and Sony are trusted ones.8. We went on a picnic to Araku, Ooty, Horsely hills and Paapi.9. America, China, India and Russia are called the Third World countries.10. Microsoft games like Age of Empires and Age of Mythology are compatible with Windows XP.
Here is a passage from which you need to pick the Proper Nouns:
Nothing gives me a greater delight than an occasional visit to the National Museum. A visit to a museum is an education in itself. When I have leisure, I make a point if visiting it, for here one can never feel dull.What a delightful time I had last Sunday! What a world - the old and the new - opened out before me! First, I was attracted by the old Buddhist statues in different poses. The Buddha in Meditation - so was one statue called - charmed me beyond measure. I saw some of the finest specimens of earth at Taxila and Ropar.The Golden Age of the Guptas seemed to return when I stepped into a History block.The Harrapa and Mohanjadaro, the Rajputs glory, ivory works of Delhi, brass work of Varanasi are floating before my eyes. Here one reads history "without tears".
- Nouns are generally classified into concrete and abstract nouns.
- Concrete nouns denote things which exist physically , things which we can see and touch. Eg: dog, table, woman, gold.
- Abstract nouns denote things which can only think of. Eg: happiness, sorrow, strength, science.
- Concrete nouns are further divided into four types - Proper, Common , Collective and Material.
We shall now know about Proper Nouns.
Proper Noun:
- Any word which has a specified name in particular is known as Proper Noun.
- They fall under countable nouns.
- The Proper Nouns may be names of any person,place,object or abstract(Imaginaryor Non-living) thing.
- Proper in the sense is in particular or one's own.Hence a Proper noun is a person's own name.
- Proper Nouns are always denoted by capital letters.
- The Proper Nouns refer to unique individuals.
- They are not found in the dictionary.
- They often occur in pairs or groups.
How to Identify the Proper Nouns in Sentences
Look at this sentence:Akbar was a great King.We have two nouns in this sentence: Akbar and King.Akbar refers to particular king, but the noun King can be applied to any other king as well as Akbar.So Akbar is a Proper Noun and King is a Common Noun.
Remember these points:
1.Proper Nouns are always written in "capital letters" at the beginning.
2. Proper Nouns are sometimes used as Common Nouns.
Example: He is the Mahatma (A great leader) of Maharastra. My sister is Hitler (very strict person) at home.
3.Mary visited her school last Friday. In the above sentence the words which are capitalized are Proper nouns.(Mary-name of a person and Friday- specific name of the day) The word "school" is a common noun, because the name of the school is not mentioned.
4.Mary visited St.Joesph's School last Friday. Observe this sentence with the above. Here the St.Joeshp's School is the Proper noun as the school name is specified.
Some Example Sentences for Identification of Proper Nouns
Underline the Proper Nouns in these sentences:1. "Abe, go and fetch some wood for fire." told Maria.2. The Punjab's Eleven team defeated the KolKata Night Riders.3. Manav is the Kalidasa of St.Joesph's College.4. There are Nagpur Mangoes in the basket.5. My mother is a specialist of Hyderabadi biriyani and Chinese Noodles.6. Surya was reading Shakespeare's As you like it when I went to visit him.7. The products of Nokia, Samsung, Motorola and Sony are trusted ones.8. We went on a picnic to Araku, Ooty, Horsely hills and Paapi.9. America, China, India and Russia are called the Third World countries.10. Microsoft games like Age of Empires and Age of Mythology are compatible with Windows XP.
Here is a passage from which you need to pick the Proper Nouns:
Nothing gives me a greater delight than an occasional visit to the National Museum. A visit to a museum is an education in itself. When I have leisure, I make a point if visiting it, for here one can never feel dull.What a delightful time I had last Sunday! What a world - the old and the new - opened out before me! First, I was attracted by the old Buddhist statues in different poses. The Buddha in Meditation - so was one statue called - charmed me beyond measure. I saw some of the finest specimens of earth at Taxila and Ropar.The Golden Age of the Guptas seemed to return when I stepped into a History block.The Harrapa and Mohanjadaro, the Rajputs glory, ivory works of Delhi, brass work of Varanasi are floating before my eyes. Here one reads history "without tears".
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